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Little Sutton
Primary School

Learn Strive Succeed

Year 2


Week commencing Monday 10th February 2025


Dates and Events:


  • Parents Evening - Wednesday 5th February and Tuesday 11th February
  • Monday 24th February - Teacher Training Day - no pupils in school
  • Please bring your LS Star Award slips back as soon as possible. Challenge 1 and 2 to be completed by Tuesday 25th February. 


Weekly Expectations:

  • Maths Passports are completed differently to previous years. They are practised and tested in school only. 
  • PE days are on a Tuesday and Thursday. Please ensure children have kit appropriate for outdoor PE in colder weather (black tracksuit bottoms, black leggings, black hoodies). Children will go home in their kits on these days. Please ensure you bring your PE kits back to school ready for the next lesson. 
  • Please ensure your child's reading folder (containing their reading group book and reading record) is in their bag ready for reading groups on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Books will be swapped at the beginning of Tuesdays group session. Please read this book with your child throughout the week and remember to write a comment in their reading diary at least 3 times a week. 
  • Please bring red spelling books and blue times table books into school on Mondays for our tests. The new spellings and number bonds/times tables for the following week will be stuck into the back of their books for you to practise with them for the following week. The spellings can also be practised on School Jotter. Please speak to your child's class teacher if you are unable to access this.
  • Reading for pleasure books will be given out/swapped once a week. Children can read this book independently or enjoy with an adult. Table groups will have the opportunity to swap their book on different days. If your child is reading a longer chapter book, they may keep the book for longer than the week, until the book is finished.



Reading: at least 3 times and record in diary.

Spellings: practise for test on 03.03.25

Words to learn: gnome, wrapping, change, danced, once

Times Tables/Number bonds: practise for test on

This week's target is to practise dividing by 5




Your child will have come home with the Little Sutton Star Award. Please carefully read the accompanying letter and first page of the booklet for more information on how to complete the award over the year.

Challenge 1 and Challenge 2 are to be completed by Tuesday 25th February.

We can't wait to see the results of this exciting adventure!


Thank you for your continued support, 

 Mrs Penhall, Mrs Logan and Miss Glass.

Little Sutton
Primary School

Worcester Lane, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, B75 5NL

0121 464 4494


Little Sutton
English Hub

Worcester Lane, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, B75 5NL

0121 464 4494
