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Little Sutton
Primary School

Learn Strive Succeed


W.C. 06.05.24


This week, in literacy, we will be continuing our work around Rocket says Look Up! by Nathan Bryon.  We will be reviewing and discussing the ambitious vocabulary meteor, blasted, mesmerised and victory.  The children will be writing a letter inviting a friend to watch the meteor shower, writing speech bubbles for Rocket, cutting annd sticking to build an sentence and will create their own shooting stars scene.  They will also have the opportunity to invent their own victory dance and build a telescope.

In maths this week,  we will be focusing on composition The children will be recapping the numbers 6 to 9 using the knowledge as 5 and a bit and that 10 is made of 5 and 5.  

 Stem sentence: ___ is made of 5 and ______.  5 and ______ make _____.   We will be using a 10 frame counting the number of counters on the frame each time.  We will be watching the Numberblocks episode Ten Again and identifying when we can see 10 or not 10.  

We will be continue  to learn our phase 4 phonics and this week we will be learning words with 2 consonant sounds together (CVCC words) e.g. milk, smell, drink.  We will be introducing some new tricky words this week: some, come, love, and do. Please also keep practising all other tricky words in their boxes.

Reading sessions will continue this week and children will be bringing a new book home to share with you on Tuesday.  Please ensure this is kept in their reading folder with their reading diary and please return to school every day, after they have read it to you.


Rhyme of the week: There was an old woman.



Monday 6th May - Bank Holiday, school closed

Friday 17th May- trip to Walsall Art Gallery


Little Sutton
Primary School

Worcester Lane, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, B75 5NL

0121 464 4494


Little Sutton
English Hub

Worcester Lane, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, B75 5NL

0121 464 4494
