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Little Sutton
Primary School

Learn Strive Succeed


This week, in school, we will be focusing our whole school unit on the text In Our Hands by Lucy Farfort. 

In reception, we will babe revisiting the text and discussing what they can see and remember.  We will review the ambitious vocabulary dull, pledge, gradual and transformation.  The children will be writing sentences linked to the story, making pledges to make our school and community a better place, labelling illustrations from the story and adding colour onto grey images with different textures.  They will also be creating their own rainbow handprints, using chalks to create rainbows and can create their own rainbow dance using ribbons and sticks.


During maths, the children will be focusing on counting, ordinality and cardinality.  We will be subitising and exploring equal amounts.  The children will begin to use a 5 frame to record an amount/ score after playing a game. They will be encouraged to subitise when using a dice and track game.  The children will begin collecting an amount of objects to match a given numeral.  


In phonics, we will be learning phase 3 sounds and this week the children will be taught the new sounds oo (zoom), oo (hook), ar (march) and or (horn).  We will be focusing on the tricky words  and, push, was, you and they.  
Reading groups will continue from Tuesday and the children will need reading folders in their bags every day please. 


Rhyme of the week: Polly and Sukey

The children will continue to be having PE on a Monday and Friday and will need to come into school in PE kit on these days.


Friday 17th January:  Please remember children need to be wearing a brightly coloured top - their PE kit will be fine. 
Wednesday 29th January: Trip to Toy Museum - please return permission slips with food/ drink choices.



Little Sutton
Primary School

Worcester Lane, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, B75 5NL

0121 464 4494


Little Sutton
English Hub

Worcester Lane, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, B75 5NL

0121 464 4494
