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Little Sutton
Primary School

Learn Strive Succeed

Year 1

Dear Parents,


This week's homework is as follows:




To be tested on Monday 14th October:


spray, proud, toy, popcorn, magnet



To be tested on Monday 21st October:


fears, fizzes, fishes, toads, misses


Every Monday, the children will bring home their red spellings book. The spellings to be learnt for the following Monday will be stuck in the back of this book. Please do not practise the spellings in this book, as it is for use in school only.


The weekly spellings can also be found on our School Jotter page by following this link:




Where possible, we would like the children to practise their number facts at home! They can use the following platforms to do so:


Hit the Button - This can be found on Google and is also available on to download on App Store or Google Play.



White Rose: 1 Minute Maths - This can be downloaded on both the App Store or Google Play.



On Hit the Button, we would like the children to strive towards fluency in the following areas:


  • Number bonds → Up to 10 → Make 10 or Addition within 10
  • Doubles → Doubles to 10
  • Halves → Halves to 10


On 1 Minute Maths, we would like the children to practise the following objectives:

  • 1 to 5 from the Addition section
  • 1 to 5 from the Subtraction section

We would like you to encourage your children to access these platforms on a regular basis.


Reading books


Every Tuesday, your child will bring a new reading book home that they will focus on in school throughout the week. Please ensure you are reading regularly with your child at home to support their learning. We would appreciate it if you could write a brief comment in their reading record each time a home reading session has been completed.

PE lessons


Please note that the children's PE lessons will take place on Thursdays and Fridays during this term. In Year 1, the children will get changed in school and their PE kits will remain in the classroom for use each week. We will send them home to be washed at the end of each half term.


To help your child to become more independent in Year 1, please can you encourage them to get changed into their uniforms independently in the morning. This will help them to get changed for PE with greater confidence!



Year 1 Maths workshop


This will take place on Wednesday 13th November, starting at 9:05am. Please come along to support your child and understand exactly how maths is taught in Year 1!


Best wishes,

Mr Storer and Mrs Johnston smiley


Little Sutton
Primary School

Worcester Lane, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, B75 5NL

0121 464 4494


Little Sutton
English Hub

Worcester Lane, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, B75 5NL

0121 464 4494
