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Little Sutton
Primary School

Learn Strive Succeed

Safeguarding & Wellbeing

Every organisation that works with children needs to have someone that takes the lead on safeguarding and child protection. This person is called the Designated Safeguarding Lead or DSL.


Our Lead DSL is: Dr Kaur, Head Teacher


Other DSLs at Little Sutton are: Mrs Whittaker, Miss Peck, Mrs Wilson and Mr Terry


Although all staff have a responsibility to keep children safe, the nominated DSL has additional responsibilities in ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children at our school.

The DSL is the point of contact for anyone in school who is concerned about a child. The role is also responsible for leading on:


  • safeguarding policies and procedures
  • training and development
  • receiving concerns about a child
  • reporting, storing and retaining child protection records following the school and the local authority’s policies and procedures.


It's important that everyone in our school understands their safeguarding responsibilities. The DSL ensures that everyone has access to training and stays up-to-date on safeguarding and any changes in the law and guidance.


Should you have any concerns about a child at our school, please do not hesitate to contact a DSL.

Little Sutton
Primary School

Worcester Lane, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, B75 5NL

0121 464 4494


Little Sutton
English Hub

Worcester Lane, Sutton Coldfield, West Midlands, B75 5NL

0121 464 4494
